Our young alumni hosted MBA alumni-led information session on August 6 and attracted around 130 participants. Starting with key note speech by Yosuke Tsuji (WG11), CEO at Moneyforward, on his MBA and startups experience, he had an interactive session with the participants by responding to their questions.
Then, Marie Oshioka (WG17) explained Wharton MBA curriculam and resources by referring to her the latest hands-on experience. We had a panel session with four recent graduates moderated by Satoshi Yamada (WG17) who had questionaired participants on their interests beforehand.
The audience were pretty inspired by lots of insightful comments and pragmatic advices by the panelists. Lastly, our 22 alumni had chats with participants. The overall session went extremely well and one participant gave us positive feedback: "I have attended several MBA alumni-led information sessions of other B-schools, and I was so impressed by the fact that the number of alumni participants was the clear number one. My image on Wharton was something close to awe, but the session swept away it with such a friendly atmosphere. It was indeed great session!".
Keynote by Yosuke Tsuji (WG11), CEO at Moneyforward.
Presentation on Wharton MBA curriculam and resouces by Marie Oshioka (WG17)
The panel session by recent graduates.
Chat with alumni
22 Alumni volunteers