Our 2024 AGM was a HUGE SUCCESS!!
Thank you all for coming. Almost 80 people (70 alumni + guests) showed up to celebrate.
Special thanks to Debbie Reilly, Yasuko Ono, Sachie Tanaka, Tomoko Veronica Inoue, and Akira Kurabayashi for organizing and being on the panel.
Happy to inform you that we elected 4 new board members:
- Shingo Ito (WG10)
- Erika Kanai (WG16)
- Satoshi Yamada (WG17)
- Megumi Nanya (WG23)
With new members, about 40% of the board is now Teens (and later), while maintaining 50/50 female/male ratio. We are well on our way for a generational change.
We will share the presentation materials and the photos through email. So, please stay tuned.